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Traveling tips with your pets!

Kelly B

If you’ve ever had to use tissues to clean up an accident in the back seat of your

car on the side of the road, then this post is for you. (Or maybe you learned your

lesson from that!)

Traveling with your pets can be stressful, but it’s not as bad if you’re well-equipped with the right tools. Holidays, vacations, and summer trips are coming up, so here is a list of items that are definitely worth having on hand while traveling with your furry companion.

  • Poop Bags: Good for more than just poop, these are seriously handy if/when messes happen. Being able to scoop up and tie off any messes makes for a much less stinky car ride.

  • Wet Wipes: They do a better job of cleaning up than tissues do. From wiping paws to butts, wet wipes provide durability and cleanliness. Be sure to get wipes that are safe for pets or are gentle/unscented.

  • Towels: Some old towels can go a long way to clean messes, provide comfort, or act as a temporary sling if needed!

  • Seat Cover: This will help protect your seats from numerous things you don’t want to have to scrub out. There are tons of options for different seat covers to purchase, but a large blanket or sheet works great too.

  • Hand Sanitizer: For the humans, because if an accident happens, you’re gonna want some.

  • A Few Trash Bags: This saves your vehicle AFTER a mess. Once you’ve cleaned up the mess, depending on what it is, the blanket/towel/seat cover may be unusable until washed. So instead of balling it up and shoving it in the corner of your trunk to be forgotten about for 3 weeks, put it in a trash bag to seal it away until you can wash it. They don’t take up much space, so adding 2 or 3 bags tucked away somewhere is absolutely worth it.

  • Treats and Treat Holder: The precious treats must make the cut for any road trip, but don’t forget the treat holder! Easy accessibility is a benefit when you’re in a car. Having some treats already in a treat holder before taking off is much easier than trying to find the bag of treats buried underneath suitcases in the backseat.

  • Traveling Water Bottle: This saves your own water bottle from getting slobbered all over. A collapsible bowl works well too, but the travel bottles tend to be less messy and work well in a tight or crammed space.

  • Extra Water: Because running out of water (for you or the dog) doesn’t bode well in the summer heat!

  • Food and Container: If you’re doing longer trips don’t forget your pet’s food. Measure out how much food you’ll need while you’re gone and put that into a smaller, sealed container for easy traveling. Don’t forget a bowl and scoop too!

  • Calming Treats or Meds: Car rides can cause extra anxiety, so some calming treats or prescribed meds from your vet (for anxiety or nausea) are worth having with you.

  • Favorite Toy: Bringing along your dog’s favorite toy (or 3!) can help keep them calm and feel at home. Having familiar smells can be very relaxing for animals, so a favorite blanket or toy can be super helpful.

  • Pet First Aid Kit: We usually have first aid kits for us humans, but having one handy for your pet could save you a ton of panic & stress. You can usually find these kits at retail stores or online, with lots of variety of contents. You can buy a basic kit and then beef it up with your own items catered more towards your pet’s needs, issues, or size!

  • Tick Remover: This is one of those things that you probably won’t need, but when you DO, you’re sure glad you have it. Sometimes these are included in first aid kits, but it’s a great idea to keep a spare one handy. You can attach it to the poop bags and forget about it, knowing it’s there if you need it.

  • Extra Leash and Collar: These may not be needed, but it’s worth having in case yours gets torn, chewed or peed on. Also, if you find a stray dog that needs to be secured or rescued, you’ll be prepared!

  • Identification: Ensure your pets are clearly marked with readable identification on them at all times. It’s also best to have them microchipped as backup.

Hopefully you find this list helpful during your travel endeavors. As always, safety first when traveling with your pets, and don’t forget to stick your head out the window every now and then! We can learn a thing or two from our furry friends about living in the moment. Happy travels!

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